Aus anderem Blickwinkel gesehen –  heute von Danwill Fortuin –

Liebe Freunde und Unterstützer des Freundeskreis Wakkerstroom e.V.,

wir wollen unsere kleine Serie „Aus anderem Blickwinkel gesehen“ fortsetzen und über die Schulzeit und das Studium von Danwill mehr erfahren.
Kennen gelernt haben wir Danwill 2012. Er war damals Klassensprecher der Klasse 9 an der Wakkerstroom Wes Farmschule und wurde von Rektorin Felicia Abrahams wegen seiner besonderen Fähigkeiten für das Förderprogramm des Freundeskreises vorgeschlagen.
Es folgten 3 Jahre an der Robertson High School mit Internat und dem Abschluss “Matrik”. Nun studiert er seit 2 ½ Jahren Lehramt am College in Wellington.
Ohne unsere Fördermittel in Höhe von bisher rund 75.000 Rand (5.000 €) wäre dieser Weg für ihn garantiert nicht möglich gewesen.
Ein relativ kleiner Betrag mit großer Wirkung für “unseren” Danwill in Südafrika.
Wir haben Danwill gebeten seine Geschichte aufzuschreiben, damit wir diese  an euch weiterleiten können.
Der englischsprachige Text ist unverändert, eine Übersetzung ins Deutsche findet Ihr im Anhang  zur E-Mail. Fotos von Danwill aus der Schulzeit findet ihr in Anhang 2.
Versetzt euch in den sympathischen Danwill und weilt in Gedanken in Südafrika, wenn ihr diese Zeilen lest.

 Herzliche Grüße aus Lindern sendet Albert


Dear Freundeskreis,

Welcome to the life of an infant that had dreams.

My name is Danwill Rewahn Fortuin. Born in the year 1997 August 3. My name comes from both my beautiful parents. I live my whole on a farm and have no regrets because there’s no other place I would rather have chosen to spend my life.
My life started like any normal child, but my first day at school was very unexpected. At that time both my parents were working, so my mother used to drop me at my grandparents’ every morning. That particular morning, we were on our way to my grandparents like every day. Suddenly the school bus to Wakkerstroom-Wes (Wakkies) drove by and my mother stopped it. She kissed me goodbye and said that I must enjoy my first day at school. I didn’t pay any attention so when I opened my eyes, I was on my way to school. I was actually calm and didn’t throw any tantrums. When we got to school the children in the bus showed me to my class and I made my first friend, Angelo. From that day forward we remained friends. Till this day he mocks me about that first day, because the clothes that I wore was weird. The next day I couldn’t wait to get to school, because I wanted to spend the day with my new friends and teacher. My pre-school teacher was the best.
I must give my mother all the credit for the person I am today. So, the years passed, and It was the beginning of my third grade. From grade 1 till 3 I was with the same teacher, mrs Maritz. But unfortunately we had to split in two classes because the classroom was getting crowded. There was an actual debate between the new teacher and mine. I was one of the best students in the class so my teacher wanted me to remain in her class. My love for her grew tremendously. It was very sad when I passed to fourth grade.
The most exciting year was my seventh grade. We had our first play ever and that was the same year that members of the Freundeskreis came to visit Wakkerstroom for the first time, I think. That was also the year when I wanted to become an accountant and a doctor at the same time. I was also part of a boy clique and we called our self the “Top Dogz”. Then another clique was formed, the “Underdogz”. All we ever did was play sports against each other during break times and it was fun.
Then the saddest year arrived on a jet. My ninth grade was a year to remember. I was head boy and was trying to set a good example to the fellow learners and also met Jesus. My mathematics teacher is the reason why mathematics is one of major subjects. She always believed that I can become someone great in life. Shout out to mrs Du Preez. Mainly my greatest role model was the principle, mrs Abrahams. I looked up to her in too many ways possible. Although it was the saddest year, I was also excited for what was coming. Something great happened, I was blessed to be one of the students that was chosen by Freundeskreis to attend Robertson High School (RHS). I didn’t even know it existed or where it was situated but I was on my way to become a Robbie.

For three years I was on the hostel with fellow Wakkies’ students from grade 10 till 12. My first year at RHS was a challenge to adapt. It was my first encounter with an integrated
classroom. That didn’t hold me back to perform academically, it was rather a motivation to
become the best within myself. I worked very hard and was among the top 20 students in tenth grade. When I realized what just happened, I pushed myself to the utmost limit. I participated in sports and various cultural events. I wanted to be part of everything that happened and make it memorable. I wanted to make a mark and be remembered for who I was.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye. I had to choose a career, the decision wasn’t easy. I ended up choosing Education FET Phase (4-year course). I matriculated at RHS in 2015. To be honest my mother motivated me to study education and my father was always ready to make financial plans. The year 2016 I was on my way to Wellington Campus to study education. In the same breath I want to thank Freundeskreis with blessing me with financial support for my boarding fee. I don’t think it would’ve been possible without them. Due to an incident that happened 2016, I had to repeat the subject, Education. This makes me a third year student, meaning that next year will be my final year. I believe everything happens for a reason, that’s why I didn’t give up hope.
My two main subjects are mathematics and economics. I am currently completing the second semester and I am quite very busy with assignments. I also started tutoring a student who wants to rewrite her mathematics papers for matric. It is a huge challenge, but at the same time exciting. I’m also happy that I can make a difference in someone’s life through education. For me it’s not about the money, it’s more about giving back to the community. I am also involved at campus library. I never knew it could be this nice to work with books and helping students in the library. As seen above, I keep myself busy with positive activities. My mother always says, “There’s time for everything in life”.
Four weeks ago I was busy with my practical at a school in Robertson area. I’d rather keep it anonymous. The experience wasn’t quite what I expected it to be. There’s more than a thousand students attending school. Based on that number you could only imagine the work that teachers need to be cut out for. I wish never to do my practical there again nor apply for a job in the near future. It is not that I’m being picky or high and mighty, but the discipline is on a next level. The only fun part was being able to see my family for four more weeks. I have two elder brothers and a younger brother who’s also attending Robertson High School. I’m very proud of him. If everything goes well, he will be a matriculant next year. He’s working at Van Loveren during the weekends to save money for his matric dance, which is a very in depended thing to do.
I’m lucky enough to still have both my parents and grandmother to support us. My father is working on the farm and my mother is taking care of my grandmother in the meanwhile. My grandparents lived on the same farm as we do. When my grandfather passed away, my aunty took care of her. Unfortunately she also passed away a few years ago. So now my grandmother visits my aunty in Paarl from time to time.

I feel blessed with everyone I have by my side and couldn’t ask for better.
This is what it is like to be me, Danwill Rewahn Fortuin. May this be a story that doesn’t fell on deaf ears.

Thank you all from my heart.

Best regards
